The World of the Perfect Order
Some considerations invite us to admit that entropy was null at the time of the Big Bang (point 0); at the beginning was the order. Then the light created the matter. As soon as matter emerges, the laws of physics apply to all material points and the second principle of thermodynamics starts its degradation activity as a function of time; disorder grows. Since the tremendous imbalance due to the Big Bang, the Universe starts to search, and this during billions of years, for its new balance. If the Universe is a closed system, the laws of thermodynamics lead it to a homogenization called thermal death of the Universe, the point of its final equilibrium (point F).
Classical mechanics, analytical mechanics and quantum mechanics among others are based on the principle of least action; irreversibilities of all kinds are not taken into account. An evolution takes place from a point A to a point B, without entropy variation (without disorder) but at a non-zero and unspecified entropic level.
When there are too many disequilibrium in nature, new structures can appear: these are Prigogine’s dissipative structures. Thus, a tropical storm that dissipates a part of thermal energy accumulated in the tropics during the warm season can become a hurricane when conditions on the ocean allow it. A bifurcation point Y is reached and some order appears in the middle of the disorder of the tropical storm: the entropy decreases. This order, represented mainly by the eye of the hurricane, transforms the tropical storm into a solar thermal power plant traveling on the surface of the ocean and devastating when it reaches the land where its extinction begins.
But the order that appears in a hurricane cannot be called perfect because its entropic level is consequent (S hurricane > 0).
The perfect order must necessarily be obtained at zero entropy. It cannot therefore be in corruptible matter, it is necessarily in the light.
When a dissipative structure is self-organizing, its entropy decreases (see figure). The dissipative structure decreases its internal entropy in order to increase the external entropy in accordance with the second principle of thermodynamics; we say that a dissipative structure exports a part of entropy towards the outside. Using the image of the hurricane, perfect order would be obtained when the entropy (S hurricane) would be zero; that is to say when all the disorder in one part has been evacuated towards another part in which the disorder will be even more enormous than that observed in a “classic” hurricane.
There is no example of such a case in the scientific archives.
On the other hand, some cases are noted in the sacred texts. It is tempting to analyze them.
In the Exodus of Moses, for example, we find very strong disturbances in the environment when a luminous apparition manifests itself. This is exactly the case we are interested in: a luminous phenomenon, therefore with zero entropy, can manifest itself on condition that a monumental disorder appears elsewhere in the surroundings.
This is the subject of the letter addressed to Pope Francis and the religious authorities. Can a physicist use the teachings of the Scriptures to increase his knowledge without harming the precepts of religion?

Letter to Pope Francis – Order and Disorder in Nature
Click on this link to read the letter to Pope Francis.