The Three Worlds: An Introduction

Our Macroscopic World

Experts in thermodynamics discovered long ago that irreversible phenomena of all kinds bring about an increase in disorder. Mathematicians studying chaos theory more recently demonstrated that dissipative systems subjected to disequilibrium can rearrange themselves in a spectacular manner. When order appears locally, disorder increases naturally elsewhere in the system so that the laws of thermodynamics are not violated. Therefore, irreversible phenomena do not only increase disorder; they also actively form ordered structures.

Irreversibilities lead both disorder and order.

Here, we use the principles of physics to present our macroscopic world, where order and disorder are intimately related.

The World of Complete Disorder

The capacity of irreversible phenomena to create “ordered structures” far from equilibrium prevents the system as a whole from reaching final equilibrium. This is because some amount of order remains in the system. We must apply the principle of worst action to eliminate all the order contained within the system to quickly bring the system to its final equilibrium point.

The World of  Perfect Order

Finding ways to calm chaos-prone industrial installations has been for us a matter of urgency. Therefore, the study initially has been directed to the world of complete disorder rather than understanding the world of perfect order. We will address the case of perfect order in 2018.